Impact Central Illinois

Debt Policy Certification Program

Thank you for your interest in the Washington Public Treasurers Association (WPTA) Debt Policy Certification Program. This program is designed to provide professional guidance and assistance in developing or revising your debt policy. Your debt policy helps protect your debt officers and entity, also providing your hired professionals and yourself with a clear direction of your debt related goals. Certification is also important because it will ensure your policy is inclusive of the vital elements that should be addressed in accordance with best practice. Your governing board and the public will view the WPTA certification as your commitment to a quality debt program, ultimately preserving the strength and security of your entity's credit.

Below you will find links to the documents necessary to apply for certification by WPTA, including the Application Form, a Sample Policy, WPTA's Resource Library, and the Development and Criteria Guide.

An updated Sample Debt Policy was posted in April 2017. The rewrite culminated a review by bond counsel and financial advisory firms operating within state of Washington as well as reviews by various types of issuers. Guides for the sample policy and the resource library are included in the front of each document.

If you have any questions about the application process, the sample debt policy, or on creating, improving, and the certification of your debt policy, please call or email Brianna May at (360) 902-9022 or I look forward to working with you!

WPTA Debt Policy Certification Chair
Brianna May

Program Manager - Debt Management
Washington Office of the State Treasurer

Development and Criteria Guide

Sample Debt Policy

Resource Library

Application Form Updated